Tuesday, June 14, 2016

3:50 AM... 6/14/16

I woke up at 3:50am due to a demonic nightmare. In my dream/nightmare, whatever you wanna call it, there were 2 men (Including me) and 1 woman. Before, I get too far in descriptions I'd like to say that we've all experienced a dream where we try to describe it to someone and we fail miserably. Any description I give will not do justice but I am going to try my best without using hyperbole (Hype) or embellishment but I must exaggerate to get my point across. I guess I can list all the conditions I felt and give a description of the environment. Another element that I experienced in my dream was having the ability to make a decision, to choose to do something. I've heard of people that have the ability to control their dreams like if they wanted to fly or to breath underwater, well that is exactly what I'm referring to. 1. The dream took place in NYC for some reason and the 3 of us where in a large flat apartment on a high floor, maybe 20 - 30 stories high. 2. The other man in the dream was a high school buddy who could be called the epitome of peer pressure, i.e.; He convinced me to sneak out of my house after my parents fell asleep, go to his house about a mile away, take lsd and watch Pink Floyd The Wall and then go back to my house and sneak in while still tripping, only 14 and never taken drugs prior to that night. So, yeah, the other man in the dream was a high school buddy with an antichrist spirit. 3. I do not know who the woman was. 4. In the dream, there was a definite sense and feeling of damnation, condemnation, doom, hopelessness mixed with a continued, drawn-out panic, in other words, total fucking hell. 5. I felt as though a liquid gel was freely moving all over my body without dripping off. 6. Whenever I looked at the other man he was close to the woman and once I knew what I was experiencing in my dream (Possession) both of their images changed from normal, like a dating couple holding hands into two separated, gruesome, foaming at the mouth, spitting, poised to attack.. monsters. While I could barely breath from the tension of panic, I noticed while looking around this apartment that I could see night and city lights as a background but the woman had jumped to the window which was a long, plain glass window and she was attached to the window like she was a frog. She had a 4 limbs touching the window and next to her, crouching but on the level floor that I was standing on, I saw his face and skin boiling, whenever he breathed it was a painful noise mixed with steam from his mouth and nostrils. While all this activity was going on, I noticed that the top of his skull had been removed as if a bowl cut hair cut but I could see his brain. From that point on, I started preaching and calling on the name of Christ. I could hear my own voice preaching the gospel and proclaiming that Jesus is the Son of God. The next thing I remember, there were acorn size balls of lava all over the floor and I was barefoot. This scene would resemble the floor of a foundry where liquid iron ore is being poured into cast formations and the leftover hot iron would spill out of the cast onto the floor in small pellets. 7. Throughout the dream, I felt someone at my right ear and behind my right shoulder. I never saw what or who it was. I don't remember much dialogue, everything before the preaching was internal thought and dialogue. 8. If you took 35 years of regret and dissolved it into 15 minutes, that is close to what my mind was thinking before I realized that I was trying to be possessed by a demon. 9. As soon as I heard myself speaking in the name of Christ, I knew immediately that I was in a dream and I also knew that absolutely nothing could hurt me even though I was being burned by the liquid hot lava pellets. It was a decision I made to start preaching but I don't remember making that decision, it was instinctive.. I know, it makes zero sense. 10. I was actually parched for thirst when I woke up and I did not go back to sleep. 11. The dream was probably 60 seconds long. Once I went upstairs to get my girls off to school and drink some coffee, I saw my Dad sitting in his recliner chair watching tv. He started telling me about something waking him up in the middle of the night. He said it was like someone threw our cat on to the bed with the same amount of weight. Our cat sleeps in the kitchen area inside of an Easter basket and she has never even been in my parents bedroom so it wasn't the cat. My parents sleep with their bedroom door locked and there is no other way into their bedroom. I asked him what time it was when he experienced the disturbance on their bed and he told me: "Aah, around 1/4 to 4 this mornin." After rereading this post, I don't think I exaggerated that much at all, it's pretty close to how it happened, now just multiply it by your worst nightmare. - Casey

Monday, June 13, 2016

Night Harassment on Sunday at/around 2am - 5am, 06/13/16

Again, I heard through my Mother about what happened in their bedroom. It was Sunday night/Early morning Monday at/around 2am through 5am. My Father told my Mom that, "They were touching his feet." Most of the time when I leave in the morning I don't get a chance to see my Father. We live on the same property but I live in an apartment so we don't always cross paths. In conversation, I asked my Mother if the praying helped on Sunday evening and she said that my Dad told her; "They were touching my feet." This is pretty normal for what my Father experiences, I've been witness to more severe attacks happen to him, like the "Trinity" scratch on the back of his neck and other violent bed attack episodes. The unclean spirit is a coward and I addressed this point in my praying, they will only attack when they cannot be confronted (Though it seems) with prayer or other defenses. My Dad does not have any history of sleepwalking, night terrors, sleep paralysis, drunk/hungover, etc.. He would not fabricate any story just for the sake of some kind of child-like attention. If you ask anyone about my Father, they will tell you that he is a straight-forward man and if you asked anyone who knows my Father; "Do you believe what he's telling you?" They would say yes, they may find the subject matter hard to believe but not the man. I say this for clarity and for the fact that he's not full of shit. I can testify to that as a son.

A moving bed, 3am - 5am 06/12/16

I was told second hand through my Mother that the bed they sleep on (Father & Mother) was moving. I haven't spoken to my Dad about it so I cannot give details at this time. I wanted to record it for archival purposes. On Sunday evening, I asked my Mother if she thought my Dad would want me to pray and read Scripture in their bedroom and she said yes. I read from 1st John 1:1 - 4:7/8 and I closed with the Lord's prayer. After praying the Lord's prayer I asked for physical and spiritual protection in the Name of Jesus Christ.